Vincent Lambert is not in a situation of unreasonable obstinacy. Will he be transferred?

Publié le 10 Déc, 2018

Experts appointed by the courts have drawn their conclusions. They initially deemed that the 42-year-old male nurse was in an “irreversible chronic vegetative state”: “From a clinical perspective, Vincent Lambert is totally incapacitated in terms of psychological and motor function compared to 2014 findings”, and they added that: “minimal signs of further deterioration have been observed”.


However, they also consider that food and fluid administered to the patient via the enteral route do not constitute “therapeutic obstinacy or unreasonable obstinacy” and that there is “no urgent need” to take steps regarding his medical condition.


They conclude in favour of transferring Vincent Lambert to a specialist facility where he will have access to better care “if keeping the patient at CHU Reims proves impossible for reasons other than simple medical procedures”.


The Châlons-en-Champagne administrative court will examine actions to be taken following the medical report at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 19 December.

Afp (22/11/2018)

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