United States: the first birth following a uterus transplant

Publié le 18 Déc, 2017

On 1 December, managers at a Dallas hospital in Texas announced that a woman had given birth to a baby following a uterus transplant – a first for the United States. The spokesperson did not give many details but a press conference was scheduled for 4 December. According to Time magazine, the uterus was donated by a 36 year-old nurse and mother of two children. This transplant is one of 10 scheduled transplants. Eight have been carried out and three of these have failed (see Uterus transplant in the United States: three failures). Another woman who has had uterine transplant surgery is now pregnant. The first American attempt dates back to February 2016, but “failed due to infection. The uterus had been harvested from a deceased donor” (see Failure of the first uterus transplant in the United States).


NB“A woman who has undergone uterus transplant surgery can only become pregnant through in-vitro fertilisation since the ovaries are no longer attached to the uterus”.


Le Figaro avec Reuters (2/12/2017)

Photo: Pixabay / DR

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