United States – pro-abortion laws proposed and defeated in the states of New York and Iowa

Publié le 8 Fév, 2019

In the US state of New York, pro-abortionists are increasingly afraid of a Supreme Court reversal on the hot topic of abortion[1], a reversal by the Supreme Court of the landmark decision Roe v. Wade[2]. A law has also just been passed to “secure” access to abortion and guarantee the right to abortion in the State, no matter what. The Senate and Assembly adopted it on Tuesday, “on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the Roe decision”. Democratic Governor, Andrew Cuomo, immediately signed the law, “in a ceremony (…) put together in haste”. In particular, the law allows late abortions in situations where the mother’s life is in jeopardy. In some cases, it allows medical assistants to perform abortions and moves abortion laws from the Criminal Code to the Health Code.


On the same day, in the state of Iowa, the heartbeat bill, the law that prohibited the abortion of foetuses with detectable heartbeats, was ruled unconstitutional by Judge Michael Huppert. This law, which had been voted on, signed and passed last May[3], was challenged by Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion provider in the United States. The organisation won the case. The judge ruled that the law violated a “woman’s fundamental right to abortion” that had appeared in previous Iowa Supreme Court decisions.


1] See: In the United States, towards a changeover of the Supreme Court?

[2] Historic decision of the American Supreme Court that decriminalised abortion in the USA in 1973

[3] See Iowa: Beating Heart? No Abortion& Iowa: Law passed prohibiting abortion after six weeks of pregnancy

Wahington Times, NY enacts new protections for abortion rights

‘Fetal heartbeat’ abortion law is unconstitutional, Iowa judge rules

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