United States: Oklahoma bans abortion for Down syndrome or genetic anomaly

Publié le 2 May, 2016

In the United States, following North Dakota and Indiana, a restrictive abortion bill was approved by the Oklahoma State Senate on Tuesday with 39 votes to 9. It was also authorised by the Assembly with 78 votes to 10, but must still go before a committee to confirm the final details.


This “Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act” of 2016 composed by Republican Senator, Greg Treat:


  • Bans abortions requested following diagnosis for Down syndrome or a genetic anomaly,


  • Authorises a pregnant woman or legal guardian to bring civil action against a doctor who violates the law,


  • Exposes doctors who violate the law to penal sanctions and suspension or withdrawal of their right to practice.

Washington Times (19/04/2016)

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