In an attempt to “help scientists develop stem cell therapies, the United Kingdom stem cell bank is offering several human embryo stem cell (hESC) lines ready to be harvested” from the country’s fertility clinics. This is the first biobank of its kind which seeks to use these lines not only for research but also for clinical application. Three lines are currently available [1], but the management board hopes to be able to offer more than ten before the end of the year.
Glyn Stacey, Director of the UK Stem Cell Bank, explains that the lines proposed “respect regulations concerning donor selection, tissue provision, the consent process, cell storage and transfer”.
For research, one human embryo stem cell line from the UK Stem Cell Bank costs approximately €440. The “client” must request a licence from the organisation that submitted the line prior to clinic or commercial use.
The Scientist, Kerry Grens (6/04/2017)