UN: Adding defending life and fighting surrogacy to sustainable development targets

Publié le 21 Mai, 2015

The International Conference on Women and the Post 2015 Development Agenda – the Challenges of Sustainable Development Goals organised by the Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace in conjunction with the WWALF[1] and WUCWO[2], got underway today in Rome. 


This seminar aims to “make a useful contribution within the scope of current negotiations for the new post-2015 development agenda”. A special summit meeting has, in fact, been organised for September 2015 in New York in an attempt to reflect “on a new post-2015 sustainable development programme”.


Amongst the aims set out in this UN programme, there is ‘no mention’ of ‘defending life from conception through to natural death’, commented Olimpia Tarzia, President of WWALF. Furthermore, the International Conference on Women and Sustainable Development wishes to see “life defended from ‘conception through to natural death’ (…) or even the fight against surrogacy” included in the summit agenda.


 [1] World Women’s Alliance for Life and Family

[2] World Union of Women’s Catholic Organization

Famille Chrétienne (21/05/2015) – Zenit (21/05/2015)

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