UK: Scottish Parliament rejects assisted suicide

Publié le 27 May, 2015

Scottish MPs rejected the draft bill in favour of assisted suicide by 82 votes to 36


This draft bill was proposed by independent MP, Margo MacDonald, prior to her death in April 2014 from Parkinson’s disease and taken on board by Green MP, Patrick Harvie, who promised her that he would present the bill to Parliament. Margo MacDonald had already attempted to get assisted suicide legalised in 2010.


Shona Robison, Health Minister, expressed the government’s dissatisfaction before the chamber: “The government believes that the current law is clear and that it is not for the law to help someone commit suicide. The government has no intention of changing current legislation”.

The Guardian (Libby Brooks) 27/05/2015 – BBC News 27/05/2015

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