After the debate launched on Friday 25 May 2012 by the statement of the Turkish Prime Minister on abortion (Gènéthique press review from 4th to 8th of june 2012), the government intends to "present a bill to Parliament reducing the period of pregnancy during which abortion is authorised. […] The Minister for Health is preparing a bill to limit from 10 to 4 or 6 weeks the authorised time for a termination of pregnancy."
The possible reversal of legislation in force since 1983 allowing women to have an abortion in the first ten weeks of pregnancy has aroused the indignation of feminist associations. But Mr Erdogan, the Prime Minister, has denounced the use of abortion "as a method of contraception" in a country where the birth rate has fallen considerably.
Moreover, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has severely criticised the unnecessary recourse to caesarean deliveries in Turkey which are practised "without medical reasons, for payment and for the convenience of doctors."
Le Monde (Guillaume Perrier) 30/05/12 – La Croix (Delphine Nerbollier) 30/05/12 – 30/05/12