On Sunday 3 June 2012, several hundred women demonstrated in Istanbul in opposition to the proposal made by the Justice and Development Party (AKP), currently in power in Turkey, to submit a bill reducing from ten to four weeks the period during which abortion is authorized in Turkey (Gènéthique press review from 4th to 8th of june 2012).
During this demonstration, "women chanted slogans and carried banners proclaiming ‘Abortion is a right’ and ‘It’s our body’." On 25 May 2012, the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had stated that he regarded "abortion as murder," (Gènéthique press review from 4th to 8th of June 2012) arousing "the indignation of women’s associations and the opposition."
Challenges.fr 03/06/12 – nouvelobs.com 03/06/12 – lefigaro.fr 03/06/12 – 20minutes.fr 03/06/12 – lemonde.fr 03/06/12 – ouest-france (Burçin GERÇEK) 05/06/12 – libération.fr 03/06/12 – elle.fr 04/06/12 – lexpress.fr 04/06/12