On Thursday, the Swedish legal system confirmed that a man could not relinquish his paternal rights. He submitted this request to the courts following the birth of his twins born by implanting “two embryos fertilised in vitro from egg and sperm donations”. The man stated that both embryos had been implanted without his knowledge”, and he wished to relinquish paternity. “He was afraid of having to take on extra work if two children were born as opposed to one, as was the case in 2012”.
The Scandinavian legal system intervened, stating that “the interests [of the man] in (…) not being a father to the twins could not, in any way, outweigh those of the children in having a father”.
It should be remembered that MAP is not authorised in Sweden. The procedure was carried out in a Latvian clinic.
Europe 1 (29/10/2015)