The role of human science in MAP-related questions

Publié le 10 Sep, 2014

Marie Gaille, philosopher and head of the CRNS mission, published a letter in the on-line journal of the CNRS. She argues that social and human sciences should grasp the topic of MAP given its multidisciplinary nature and the moral, political and legal issues that it covers.


MAP generates numerous press releases. In fact, some 20,000 newborn babies are conceived by MAP in France each year. MAP “in fact complies with a precise legal framework and is financed by global health expenditure. Above all, it represents major issues for collective ethics and values that society is committed to defending”.


The philosopher is surprised to learn that issues which are so important and engaging for society are not subject to greater questioning. For example, “the management by hospitals and institutions of medical-assisted procreation” or even “the idea that society, faced with a desire to procreate, should support it as much as possible”. None of these aspects are crystal clear and the social science expertise is called upon to “construct a sound legal investigation and to put MAP into a long-term perspective”.

Le Journal du CNRS (Marie Gaille) 08/09/2014

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