The promises of stem cells attract investors

Publié le 25 Juin, 2015

Switzerland and Ontario have decided to step up research into stem cells:

 Nescens, a subsidiary of Aevis Holding, is focussing on “the extraordinary therapeutic potential of stem cells”and is entering into partnership with the Swiss Stem Cell Bank in Lugano[1]. It anticipates a 20 million franc investment over the next few years.

The aim of Nescens is to develop research into stem cells obtained from umbilical cord blood by proposing to take a sample at birth and then storing these cells.


The Ontario Government is devoting 25 million dollars over 5 years to support the work of scientists specialising in stem cell research.  “The Ontario Government hopes to help patients and gain some financial recompense with regenerative medicine”.


Gordon Keller, Director of the McEwen Center for Regenerative Medicine is delighted, “There are only a few groups worldwide that transfer stem cells from laboratory to clinic”. The McEwen centre uses adult stem cells, iPS and also embryo stem cells.


[1] Storage facility for cells extracted from umbilical cord blood

Tribune de Genève (25/06/2015); radio canada (19/06/2015)

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