The MEdGenome Laboratory launches NIPS in India

Publié le 27 Déc, 2015

Indian laboratory MedGenome has chosen the Natera Constellation, Inc. (NTRA) platform to launch its non-invasive prenatal diagnostic tests (NIPS) called “Panorma”.“We are delighted that MedGenome has chosen the Natera Constellation platform to market NIPS […], which is experiencing strong growth in India,” explained Matthew Rabinowitz, Natero CEO.


 The article states that NIPS “is a straightforward, safe method for pregnant women to find out certain information about the health of their unborn baby without using invasive diagnostic procedures such as […] amniocentesis, etc.”By simply collecting a blood sample from the mother, NIPS “can examine the foetal DNA detected in the mother’s blood to screen for chromosome abnormalities, especially Down syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, Patau’s syndrome, monosomy X (Turner’s syndrome) and triploidy”.


 It also stipulates that, “in accordance with Indian legislation, PanoramaTM will not be used to reveal the gender of the foetus.”


 It should be noted that the ETHealth world article described Down syndrome as a “burden weighing on families and society”.

ETHealthworld (28/12/2015)

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