The Council of Europe rejects the report on “ethical” surrogacy

Publié le 15 Mar, 2016

The controversial draft report on “human rights and ethical questions relating to surrogacy” discussed yesterday behind closed doors by the Assembly of the Council of Europe Commission for Social Affairs and Health, was finally rejected by 16 votes to 15.

This Council of Europe vote strengthens last December’s vote by the European Parliament (seeThe European Parliament condemns surrogacy). The European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) announced a new awareness campaign yesterday with the No Maternity Traffic collective aimed against surrogacy and against “the dehumanisation of procreation” targeting Council of Europe Governments and the Hague Conference on international private law. Director, Grégor Puppinck, welcomes this vote. He has confirmed that the ECLJ “will continue its action to promote an international Convention prohibiting surrogacy”.

To find out more read: the “ethical” surrogacy hidden agenda

IEB, Zenit (16/03/2016)

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