The American Family Planning Association files a complaint

Publié le 14 Jan, 2016

On Thursday, the American Family Planning Association, Planned Parenthood,filed a complaint before a San Francisco District Court against the authors of videos showing members of the American Family Planning Association involved in the sale of aborted foetal tissues and organs.

The authors, an association of American journalists, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), revealed these videos in July 2015.


 For Dawn Laguens, Vice-President of the Family Planning Association, “this legalised attack highlights organised conspiracy aimed at preventing women from accessing abortions”.


David Daleiden, founder of the CMP, says that he is ready for a confrontation with Planned Parenthood: “I can’t wait to see all of the CEOs, Medical Directors and everyone involved in the illegal sale of aborted foetal organs generated by the Family Planning Association brought to justice”.

Los Angeles Time (14/01/2016)

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