Surrogacy: Women and children used as raw materials for the tax-free transfer of their genetic make-up

Publié le 22 Juin, 2016

More and more “Chinese executives” are turning towards Japanese surrogate mothers and away from the American market which, “until now has guaranteed ‘protected’ American nationality for one of the children in the family with the option of that child applying for and obtaining his/her parents’ green card on reaching the age of 21”. However, the Japanese passport of a child born through surrogacy offers other benefits: it is an “ideal ‘vehicle’ to remove financial assets from China” and the nationality is also “extremely useful for purchasing real estate in Tokyo or setting up a company on the Archipelago”. “This would make it easier for us to escape if China collapses,” summed up a “surrogate mother” during an interview. Japan also proved to be “a far more flexible option for financial transactions than the United States”.


Thus a child born through surrogacy is used to “transfer money from one country to another without paying tax or inheritance tax or facing any non-removal clause”. According to Marie-Anne Frison Roche, “we are on a downward slope, degrading human beings to nothing more than a raw material: the mother is only a raw material used to produce the child who is then used solely to ensure a favourable legal outcome”.


In France, the fraud theory used by the Court of Cassation in 2013 “has been criticised as reactionary” and rejected by the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) as the child is “innocent”.


The reality is truly “shocking”: the “reality of surrogacy”, concluded Marie-Anne Frison Roche.

Marie-Anne Frison Roche (22/06/2016); Les échos, Yann Rousseau (20/06/2016)

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