Surrogacy: two homosexuals stuck in Mexico with three babies

Publié le 30 Mar, 2016

Travelling from New Zealand to use the services of two Mexican surrogate mothers who received the eggs of an Argentinian donor, a homosexual couple finally find themselves stuck in Mexico with three babies.


The situation of David and Nicky Leonard Beard is complicated. As the surrogate mothers were already pregnant, they may not be concerned by Mexican legislation which came into force last year, banning homosexuals from accessing the services of a surrogate mother in Mexico. However, another problem is holding them there and promises “to make them spend a fortune to return home”: the Cancun adoption agency, acting as the intermediary, settling medical and legal costs and managing the surrogate mothers, has disappeared with their money.


Since then, “stuck” in Mexico with three babies, they are calling on their New Zealand citizenship to avoid waiting for Mexican papers, and are asking both governments to cut the administrative red tape and allow them to return home. 


Independent, Irish Examiner (31/03/2016), 

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