In France and without any official figures to back their findings, the main associations promoting the legalisation of surrogacy [1] believe that approximately 370 couples or single people had babies via this route in 2017 with the total number of children “potentially exceeding 500”.
Most of the babies were born in the United States where the practice is legal in 45 out of the 50 states, and Canada, and to less of an extent from Ukraine, Russia and Greece.
This is a viable business since, in the United States, for example, surrogacy costs $150,000 (approximately €130,000). This figure is divided up as follows: $30,000 for the surrogate mother, $50,000 for the clinic and IVF treatments and finally $70,000 for the Agency and lawyers.
The Circle Surrogacy agency has been serving French clients since 2008 and currently responds to 16 requests on average each year. In Ukraine, the number of French clients “has increased since last summer”. In 2017, 200 couples “were at various stages in the programme”.
[1] Clara, the ADFH (Association des familles homoparentales – Association for LGBT families) and APGL (Association des parents gays et lesbiens – Association for Gay and Lesbian Parents)
Le Monde Magazine (30/12/2017)