Spain – abortion: Bishops denounce “political calculation”

Publié le 1 Oct, 2014

On 23 September, the Spanish Government announced its withdrawal of the draft bill aimed at limiting recourse to abortion (Gènéthique press review on September 23rd, 2014). This withdrawal led those in favour of the bill to accuse the Government of “betrayal” (Gènéthqiue press review on September 22nd, 2014).


On Thursday, the Spanish bishops decided to respond. In a press release, the Conference of Bishops commented as follows: “The responsibility of those who included in their political agenda the promise of a law to somewhat reduce the lack of protection for unborn babies involving current abortion legislation is particularly serious“, denouncing the revoking of the bill “allegedly based on political calculations“. However, they added that, “everyone should protect and defend human life, especially governments“.

AFP 02/10/2014

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