“She Decides”: Obianuju Ekeocha asks the West for risk-free births as opposed to risk-free abortions

Publié le 13 Mar, 2017

Following the reinstatement of the Mexico Policy by the United Nations, financing for organisations providing abortions in foreign countries, such as the International Family Planning Federation, Marie Stopes International and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will be drastically cut. Four European governments (Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden) organised a conference in response. This conference entitled “She Decides” was held in Brussels on Thursday, 2 March to collect funds for abortions in developing countries. The European Union was represented at the conference although it has no power in this area.


In a video entitled “Rich Donor Dictatorship”, Obianuju Ekeocha, President of African Life Culture, interviews European delegates at the “She Decides” Conference: “Many western countries, including Canada and the Netherlands, have decided to join forces to raise funds. These funds are not intended for food aid in Africa. These funds are not intended for water aid in Africa. These funds are not intended to allow Africans to do what they want. No. The funds are being collected to raise millions of dollars for what is known as risk-free abortion. In fact, the most disheartening thing is that western countries haven’t evened considered asking Africans what they want!” Furthermore, President Ekeocha referred to studies showing that abortion is unacceptable for a vast majority of African countries, regardless of circumstances. As far as she is concerned, this smacks of “new colonialism and an imperialist culture”.She added that, “What we are asking for is your help to ensure risk-free births for African babies!”


Marie Hildingsson, General Secretary of the European Federation for Catholic Families, was surprised by the European Union representation at the “She Decides” Conference in support of the campaign considering that “almost 2 million European Union citizens have signed the European Citizens’ Initiative,One of Us, which asked the European Commission to stop financing any developments involving abortion”.

FAFCE (28/02/2017)

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