Quebec: MAP centres are in financial difficulty

Publié le 12 Jan, 2016

In Quebec, ever since the “abolition of free in-vitro fertilisation treatments last November”, the future of some assisted procreation centres (APCs) is “under threat”, regardless of whether they are public or private.


The Ministry for Health “has given instructions for IVF to be available in hospital centres without any cutbacks.  The number of less wealthy clients, who mostly attend public centres, has already dropped. There is an obligation to levy certain fees. There is no certainty that the ministry will sanction procedures next year”.


 Dr. Neal Mahutte, Medical Director at the Montreal Fertility Center, which carries out 1,000 to 1,200 IVF cycles per year, has announced that it is anticipating “a decrease of 40 to 50%” in the number of cycles from April. “Half of the private clinics may close their doors”.

Le Devoir (12/01/2016)

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