Planned Parenthood Association – public health organisation or political movement?

Publié le 29 Jan, 2018

In its annual activity report, the American organisation, Planned Parenthood, reveals that 321,384 abortions were performed in 2017, generating a profit of $98.5 million.


The report highlights the organisation’s other activities in prenatal care and contraception: Planned Parenthood organised “3,889 adoptions and provided 7,762 patients with prenatal care” in 2017. However, this activity represents “one adoption per 83 abortions and one prenatal care case per 41 abortions“.


The former director of Planned Parenthood,, Abby Johnson, emphasised that the organisation delivered its services to “100,000 fewer individuals than in 2016 ” whilst managing to exceed “the threshold of 321,000 abortions in 2017“. According to her, these figures show that, “through its activities and events,” Planned Parenthood  “is no longer a public health organisation but a pro-abortion political movement, spreading its vision as widely  as possible“.

IEB (15/01/2018)

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