Part of the American Senate votes for an end to public family planning subsidies

Publié le 7 Jan, 2016

On Wednesday, in the United States, the Republican Party which has the majority in the House of Representatives [1]voted to rescind Obamacare and cut federal financing for the American Family Planning Association.


The measure aimed at cutting any public subsidy for the American Family Planning Association, “Planned Parenthood”, was requested by Congress Republicans following a series of videos circulated on the Internet last year, which triggered a national Family Planning controversy. The videos showed members of the association talking about the sale of aborted foetal tissues (Cf . Le Planning Familial : Une entreprise au cœur de la vente d’organes d’enfants avortés et Les subventions publiques du planning familial menacées).


 The speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, explained that the draft bill could not go beyond Congress but represented an attempt to draw comparisons with the Democrats.



 [1]One of two chambers making up the American Senate and the American Congress.

CNN (07/01/2016)

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