” Palliative care is a human right,” said Bishop Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, at a conference entitled ” Muslim and Christian Perspectives on Palliative Care and the End of Life “[1]in Doha, Qatar, on 22 January 2019. ” Different international programmes are working to implement it ,” the Prelate emphasizes, “ but the real human right is to continue to be recognised and welcomed as a member of society, as part of a community. He went on to say that “there is an urgent need for deeper reflection if we are to tackle more effectively the major anthropological issues and immense ethical challenges that we face with end-of-life cases“.
The President of the Pontifical Academy recalled “the specific mandate that Pope Francis gave to the Pontifical Academy for Life on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of its institution“. The Pope called for “the reinvention of a new fraternity,” he said, “this is the anthropological and social challenge of our time“.
For further reading:
Pontifical Academy for Life: Pope Francis calls for a healthy vision of bioethics
Pontifical Academy for Life: The Pope invites the health professions not to forget “humanity”
Pontifical Academy For Life exposes the basic doctrines of the Christian concept of human life
1] The conference focused on the signing of a Joint Declaration on End of Life and Palliative Care by the World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) in Qatar and the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Zenit, Marina Droujinina, traduit par Hélène Ginabat (22/01/19) – Académie pour la vie : « les soins palliatifs représentent un droit humain »