Organ donor transmits breast cancer to four recipients

Publié le 12 Oct, 2018

A report published in the American Journal of Transplantation has confirmed that four transplant recipients developed breast cancer after receiving organs from the same donor. The latter had no medical history and had donated her kidneys, lungs, liver and heart. The heart recipient died from septicaemia five months later.  The other four recipients died between 16 months and 6 years after transplant surgery. They had all developed donor-derived breast cancer. Three of them died from  this cancer. The patient who received the right kidney underwent a nephrectomy. Immunosuppression was stopped and chemotherapy administered. A complete remission was achieved with these measures.


According to the authors, “This unique case shows the often fatal consequences of donor-derived breast cancer”. The efficacy of organ withdrawal and cessation of immunosuppressants are also evident.

Medical press (11/09/2018)

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