#Notspecialneeds: a video for World Down Syndrome Day

Publié le 3 Avr, 2017

The Jérôme Lejeune Foundation released the  Not special needs, just human needs (Pas de besoins spéciaux, juste des besoins humains) video in France to coincide with World Down Syndrome Day, an initiative officially recognised by the UN. The fruit of collaboration between several world associations, this video “delivers a strong message with a liberal dash of humour”: “no – people with Down Syndrome are not reduced to small, delicate people who have to be protected with iron armour and fed ambrosia of the Gods. They have no specific needs other than access to education and employment, to have friends and be surrounded by love – simple requirements and that’s it”.



L’ADN, Pierre Le Tallec (20/03/2017); Revue Limite, Elisabeth Pierson (13/03/2017)

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