In the United Kingdom, Louise Johnson decided to speak out and make society more aware of Down syndrome.
Six years ago, she gave birth to twins, Thomas and Jacob, one of whom has Down syndrome. Nothing was detected during her pregnancy. The doctor asked her if she wanted to hand over the baby to Social Services: “When they asked me if I still wanted to take him home, it took me a minute to understand what they were asking me. I was shocked…. it never crossed my mind for a split second that my twins would not come home,”, she explained.
Today, the mother of five is afraid that the trivialisation of antenatal screening will trigger a rise in abortions. She therefore chose to share her life with both her sons who “are two handsome little boys who adore each other and love their family”. “Having a child with Down syndrome – it’s just the same as you and me – no-one should be afraid,” she wrote on her Facebook page. “I know that I could not live without him. And if I had known before he was born that Jacob had Down syndrome, I still wouldn’t have given him up for anything. I love him with all my heart”.
Daily Mail, Nick Enoch (24/11/2017)