NIPS: Roche and Ariosa extend their market to Australia and the United Kingdom

Publié le 13 Oct, 2015

On 13 October, the Roche and Ariosa Diagnostics Laboratories, leaders in the NIPS market [1](Harmony Prenatal Test®), announced that they had obtained a licence from the Sonic Healthcar Company to carry out the Harmony® prenatal test in Australian and English laboratories. This new partnership will “improve access to NIPS for healthcare professionals in contact with pregnant women”. NIPS was already available in these countries but the agreement can increase the number of collection centres.


The Director of the Genetics Department at Sonic Health care is delighted to be able to propose a “reliable, high-quality” test that has already been carried out “on hundreds of thousands of women” and  has received CE (European compliance) labelling. The General Manager of the Ariosa Laboratory wants to extend the market “across the globe” to give pregnant women “extremely accurate results, regardless of their age or risk factors”.


   [1]Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening

PR Newswire (13/10/2015)

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