Medically assisted dying: Canada – law C-14 came into force on Friday

Publié le 19 Juin, 2016

In Canada, draft law C-14, which authorises and “provides a framework for” medically assisted dying, was adopted by senators on Friday by 44 votes to 28. A few hours later, “law C-14 was given the royal seal of approval and officially came into force.” Medically assisted dying has been legal in this country since 6 June (see Medical assistance to die decriminalised in Canada).


Some MPs have expressed their regrets about this law, which they consider “too restrictive” because “some people [who are not at the end of their lives] will not have these rights recognised by the Supreme Court”. Others voted in favour after “claims that it was better to have a law that could be refined rather than no law at all”.


The Government expressed “its recognition of the exceptional efforts undertaken by the House of Commons and the Senate for the draft law to be adopted – efforts which, from this point onwards, guarantee safe, consistent access to medically assisted dying across Canada”. Justice and Health Ministers, for their part, announced that “Medically assisted dying is a difficult, complex and profoundly personal issue. The law strikes a fair balance between the personal autonomy of those wishing to access medically assisted dying and protection of the vulnerable”.


Note from Gènéthique : Canadian Bishops are resolutely opposed to this “inacceptable practice”: “see Canada: It is ‘risky” to authorise medically assisted dying

Le Monde (18/06/2016); La presse canadienne, Mélanie Marquis (18/06/2016)

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