The Daily Mail has led an enquiry into abortions carried out at the Marie Stopes International Clinics, the second largest abortion provider in the United Kingdom. It discovered that doctors at these clinics approve thousands of abortions without meeting the women. A brief telephone conversation “will suffice”.
However, Marie Stopes has to address the scandal following a Health Authority inspection conducted last year in one of its clinics, which highlighted the lack of rigour in the follow-up of women attending the clinic for an abortion (see Abortion: Marie Stopes International suspends its activities in the United Kingdom). The ensuing temporary ban on procedures has now been lifted but the recent enquiry conducted by the Daily Mail has once again highlighted flimsy practices. It reported that women are directed to a call centre and confide within seconds to an employee who has no medical training. If the woman in question does not give a reason for abortion that is in accordance with the law, she is encouraged to find another solution. Sometimes, the official record does not state the reason given by the woman, for example, “I do not want this baby” or “now isn’t the right time” is entered as “the patient is emotionally incapable of continuing her pregnancy”. The consent forms are then given to doctors who sign them “on a production line, at the rate of 26 forms in 2 minutes”.
The spokesperson for Marie Stope International has denied these facts.
Daily Mail (5/03/2017)