A study published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) estimates that a certain number of MAP (medically assisted procreation) clinics in the United Kingdom publish success stories which are misleading for their patients.
According to the study, the clinics “select their results” – pregnancy rates are reported more frequently than the live birth rate. In addition, the number of pregnancies can be communicated in 33 different ways without indicating the number of cycles or embryo transfers required. The age of the patients is not given and in 72% of cases, the size of the cohort on which the published figures are based, is not stipulated either. This makes it impossible to compare the various centres and blurs couples’ understanding.
Jack Wilkinson, a medical statistician at Manchester University and principal author of the study, noted that MAP clinics are too preoccupied by their performance. Patients are misled due to competition between these private centres. He believes that the Government should consider banning MAP advertisements.
Bionews, Rikita Patel (16/01/2017)
Photo : Pixabay/DR