Man continues to donate sperm samples after fathering 38 children

Publié le 7 Mar, 2019

In his home town, he is known as the “Sperminator”. A New Yorker who has already fathered three children with his wife, donates his sperm free of charge to any woman hoping to get pregnant. He has already produced “at least 35 children” through sperm donation.


Israel’s highest court has just ruled that a woman may not use the sperm of this prolific donor. In fact, Israeli law requires donor anonymity, except in the specific case where the gametes are produced by both parents who will raise the child together. To circumvent the law, Ari Nagel, the donor, agreed to sign all documents proving his intention to co-parent, an intention contested by the Health Ministry. In its judgment on 13 February 2019, the court expressed “a real and serious concern about the ability of the petitioner to actually serve as the father to over 38 children, both financially and in the essence of what a father’s role is within the family”.


Six other women have also obtained samples of Ari Nagel’s sperm, stored in Israel, and are waiting for IVF treatment. “Considering the number of women whom Mr Nagel impregnated with his sperm… it is our position that the claim of an intention to perform true joint parenthood with Mr Nagel is not sincere or reasonable,” the Health Ministry told one of them.


Ari Nagel is currently being sued by five different US women, all of whom are claiming child support, but this does not appear to deter the serial sperm donor.

Bionews, Jennifer Willows (18/02/2019) – Israel’s high court rejects prolific US sperm donor’s petition

Photo : Pixabay/DR

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