Late abortion and infanticide: a midwife’s testimony

Publié le 1 Dec, 2014

Neonatal infanticide does not come under the remit of the Council of Europe – this is what the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Nils Muinieks claimed on 19 November 2014 (See Gènéthique 24-11-2014 press review). However, Grégor Puppinck, Director of the European Centre for Law and Justice, pointed out that, every year, many children “survive abortion, especially when the procedure is carried out after the twentieth week of pregnancy” (See Grégor Puppinck interview on Gènéthique).


A midwife wanted to recount her personal experience. “I have worked in both gynaecology and maternity units during my professional career. Consequently, I have dreadful memories of the gynaecology theatre where I was involved in late abortions, most of which were carried out around the 16th week, when the foetus struggled to breathe for 5 to 15 minutes. Because there are no rules and regulations regarding infants who are fighting to survive, they are simply left to die alone in a bowl or basin”. She added: “I am currently experiencing the same thing once again. I don’t want to do this anymore. Am I now obliged to give up my job as a midwife? How should I react?  And if I am obliged to force myself to do this again, what should I do with a live foetus?”


The European Centre for Law and Justice, the ECLJ, and four associations have just launched a petition for submission to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. (Grégor Puppinck) 01/12/2014

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