Israel rejects surrogacy for single men and homosexual couples

Publié le 19 Nov, 2018

The Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) voted against a draft bill seeking to “extend the circle of people using the services of a surrogate mother to single men and homosexual couples “.


Surrogacy is authorised in Israel for married or single women who cannot have a child.


The vote on this draft bill has already been postponed once (see Israel: surrogacy still banned for men). The vote took place on 31 October. Forty-one MPs voted for and 49 against. The Prime Minister openly supports this bill and regrets that there was not a sufficient majority to pass the bill. “I support surrogate mothers for the LGBT community […] We will adopt the law once we get a majority”, he announced.


See also:

Israel – “heads or tails” voting on extension of surrogacy law

The Times of Israël,

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