The Indian Department of Health has made the inclusion of non-Indians on organ transplant waiting lists in India a statutory requirement. It seems that private establishments currently focus on foreign transplant patients.
Each transplant centre must now report its activities to ROTTOs, Regional Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisations, and the list of foreign nationals waiting for organs should be sent in advance to NOTTO, the National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation.
Furthermore, foreigners can only undergo organ transplant surgery “if no Indian recipient is available […] at that particular time”, and priority will be given to foreigners of Indian origin.
A national network is gradually being set up between the hospitals, states, ROTTOs and NOTTO via an online system and national registry aimed at greater transparency of organ and tissue distribution.
For further reading:
Organ trafficking will not stop without the help of doctors
10% of transplants around the world are the result of organ trafficking
Fight against organ trafficking and transplanttourism: sound proposals
The Week (22/11/2018)