In the United Kingdom, the Tinder application makes young people aware of organ donation

Publié le 14 Déc, 2015

In Great Britain, the Tinder application has teamed up with the National Health Service (NHS) to launch an organ donation awareness campaign known as The Wait. The campaign mainly targets young people between 18 and 35 years of age – the main users of Tinder.


 Users who accept three profiles of British celebrities created to mark the occasion will be reminded that a patient is waiting for a suitable organ. They will be encouraged to sign up as potential donors through the following message, “If only it was as easy for those in need of a life-saving transplant to find a suitable organ”.


 Sally Johnson, Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation at the NHS Blood and Transplant Service explained that, “Thanks to these Tinder profiles, we are attracting attention and highlighting the importance of organ donation. It only takes a few minutes to register – more or less the same amount of time it takes you to look at profiles on Tinder”.


 Almost 7,000 people are currently waiting for transplant surgery in the United Kingdom. 6,000 people on the waiting list died over the last ten years.

The Guardian (14/12/2015) – The Telegraph (14/12/2015)

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