In Quebec, an investigation into the fate of children “born from unknown sperm”

Publié le 17 Mai, 2016

In Quebec, 8,000 people under 40 years of age were born through sperm donation. On 18 May, the Quebec television channel, Canal Vie, broadcast a programme entitled “Nés de sperme inconnu” (Born from Unknown Sperm), which focuses on these children, who are now adults, and their quest to find their roots in some cases.


“In Quebec, the law precludes donor disclosure”, but the “identity impact is huge for many children” “born through anonymous sperm donation”. The programme stated that “several studies have shown that a child must know the donor’s identity in order to construct his/her own identity”.


Nés de père inconnu” (“Born with Unknown Fathers”)presents a point of view that is overlooked in Quebec, namely the interests of children born through medically assisted procreation. (17 mai 2016)

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