Last Saturday, during the annual conference of the European Human Genetics Society, Dr. Erik Sistermans (Amsterdam) presented the results of the TRIDENT study focusing on NIPS with regard to Down Syndrome in a population of high risk women.
“The Netherlands is the only country in the world to include this screening in its official health programme”. In France, the HAS (French National Health Authority)* will make its decision this summer, following the results of the SAFE 21 study.
The TRIDENT study was carried out in over 3,000 women tested by “standard screening” (serum markers and measurement of nuchal translucency).
The results show that “the non-invasive test could be offered to all pregnant women and not just those at risk”. However, “a positive NIGT (non-invasive genetic test) must always be followed by an invasive test,” explained Dr. Sistermans.
During this congress in Glasgow, a team of Belgian scientists explained that they have shown that NIPS could also be used to screen for early forms of cancer in the mother.
“These results constitute a sound argument in favour of NIGT,” explained Dr. Vermeesch who directed the studies. “This will also impact upon the decision taken by countries regarding the reimbursement and general availability of NIGT”.
Le Figaro Santé (08/06/2015) ; Le Quotidien du Médecin (08/06/2015)