Guardianship judge receives request to make Vincent Lambert a ward of court

Publié le 27 Août, 2015

Further to the announcement at the end of July by Doctor Daniela Simon, a Guardianship Judge at the Court of Reims this week received a request to make Vincent Lambert a ward of court.


The Public Prosecutor in Reims confirmed: “Doctor Simon has told me she wishes to make Vincent Lambert a ward of court on Thursday.  I therefore informed a Guardianship Judge who will deal with this case and make a decision in the coming weeks”.

The Guardianship Judge, “an independent and impartial magistrate”, is responsible, following expert evaluation, to find a guardian to “protect an adult with impaired physical or mental capacities”. The Guardianship Judge, “who is obliged to consider a person’s future under guardianship”, shall issue a restraining order since Vincent Lambert is in a state of “minimal consciousness” and cannot communicate.  He will also consult Vincent Lambert’s close friends and family.


In Vincent Lambert’s case, the judge will probably confer guardianship “to a legal trustee for the protection of adults”, i.e. a qualified professional assigned to the High Court.


 Rachel Lambert, Vincent’s wife“regrets” this decision.  However, for Vincent Lambert’s parents, “if they are asking for protection for their son it is because he deserves to live and not to die”.

20 minutes (27/08/2015) ; Le Figaro (29/08/2015)

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