Freezing of oocytes: Facebook and Apple or transhumanism in action

Publié le 14 Oct, 2014

Two multinational companies, Facebook and Apple, are financing the freezing of their employees’ ovules in order to delay their pregnancies. This new method of management, which is a contentious issue, has been uncovered by the American channel, NBC News.


This method is part and parcel of the strategy adopted by these two giants to attract women to their respective companies and keep them working for longer. Facebook has already incorporated the freezing of oocytes in the medical cover it offers employees. The same will apply at Apple from January 2015. In fact, Facebook is the first company to provide cover for MAP treatment for non-medical reasons.


The technique is presented as a solution to prevent women from having to choose between having a career or having children. Christy Jones, founder of Extend Fertility, is delighted with the news and sees it as a major benefit since the freezing of oocytes “can help women to be more productive human beings”.

RTL 14/10/2014- ITélé 14/10/2014 – Le Monde 14/10/2014 – NBC News 14/10/2014

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