Faced with pressure from the UN, Ireland promises a constitutional referendum on abortion

Publié le 15 Juil, 2014

A Government delegation made a promise before the UN Council of Human Rights to carry out a constitutional referendum to no longer “violate human rights” with regard to abortion legislation.


Justice Minister, Frances Fitzgerald, who headed the Irish delegation, was heard in the context of investigating Ireland’s compliance with certain international standards. He was questioned “firmly” on the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act of 2013. Ireland has been accused by Human Rights Council Members of being in “violation of human rights” by excluding rape, fœtal anomalies and health risks as reasons for abortion. Ireland has also been reproached for failing to fully support the travelling expenses of women who travel abroad to have an abortion.


As regards the Pro-Life Campaign, the Human Rights Council has a “strangely superficial understanding of human rights” since the rights of unborn children have not been mentioned in front of this audience.


Ireland is not obliged to meet the demands of the Human Rights Council but the Irish Government does not appear to intend to ignore them.  

Irish Times (Kitty Holland) 16/07/2014  

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