Euthanasia : A pharmaceutical laboratory benefits from the legalisation in the State of Whashington

Publié le 2 Nov, 2016

In the American State of Washington, a pharmaceutical laboratory is accused of benefiting from euthanasia to apply predatory pricing. Legalised since 2008 in this State, euthanasia is carried out in more than 50% of cases with secobarbital, sold under the trade name of Seconal®.


Between 2010 and 2016, the cost of this drug escalated from $388 to $2,878 – an increase of 640%. This molecule, which was developed in 1929, has passed into the off-patent category but only the Valeant Pharmaceuticals Laboratory produces it in the United States. It is not covered by medical insurance funding and is paid for by patients.


Bioedge, Michael Cook (15/10/2016)

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