€900 compensation for purely unselfish egg donation?

Publié le 22 Oct, 2018

Egg donors are paid too much in the Netherlands with up to €900 compensation per “donation”. Ethicists at University Medical Centre Utrecht are afraid that women are being forced “to donate their eggs for financial reasons”. However, in their report[1], they deem it pointless to require “purely unselfish” motivation as long as it is not “purely financial”.


In addition, to reduce the shortage of available eggs, the plan is to give nulliparous women the option of donating eggs despite the risk of infertility, “provided that they are warned accordingly”. Women with curable genetic risks could also be allowed to donate “if the intended parents consent”. Finally, ethicists are asking for gay couples to also have access to these egg banks.


See also:

Málaga, reproductive tourism capital – €1,000 in “compensation” for egg donors


[1] Report entitled ‘Ethisch verantwoorde organisatie van eiceldonatie via eicelbanken in Nederland’ – Joint report written by the The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)

Institut Européen de Bioéthique (03/10/2018)

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