Canadian doctors do not want to participate in assisted suicides

Publié le 9 Mar, 2015

A study conducted by the CSPCP (Society of Palliative Care Physicians) has revealed that most Canadian palliative care specialists refuse to participate in assisted suicides. Only 25% of CSPCP members are prepared to help a patient take his/her own life.


The Canadian Supreme Court legalised assisted suicide last February. However, the debate is far from over and will become increasingly heated with the approach of the federal elections on 19 October. Speaking on behalf of Canadian experts, Dr. Doris Barwich declared that “Assisted suicide is not part of their remit and they do not wish to incorporate it“.”Pain is the killer, not the patient,” announced a spokesperson for the Campagne Québec-vie (Quebec Life Campaign) association.

La Croix 10/03/2015 – BioEdge (Xavier Simon) 7/03/2015 

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