Today, the CoRP (Collectif pour le Respect de la Personne – Collective for the Respect of Persons) published an open letter addressed to the President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Pedro Agramunt, on the subject of surrogacy.
This letter asks him to “guarantee respect for the human rights and dignity of every person” by opposing surrogacy. It referred to the “astonishment” of key associations in favour of the universal abolition of surrogacy on learning that controversial rapporteur, Petra de Sutter, had been tasked with drafting a new report “still in favour of surrogacy under the guise of questioning the child’s interests or which would make a hypocritical distinction between ‘commercial’ surrogacy and ‘altruistic’ and therefore legitimate surrogacy”.
As far as the CoRP is concerned, this new proposal is “an unacceptable blow to democracy”.
Moreover, the CoRP recalls “the numerous scandals”which “clearly show that the legal autonomy of the surrogate mother carries no weight, bearing in mind the serious consequences to be faced if she dares to oppose the will of the intended parents”. Surrogacy also flouts “the right to health”. The issue surrounding the “immediate and long-term effects of ‘hormone therapy’ needed for this artificial pregnancy” is routinely overlooked. The psychological health of a child “turned into an object in a contract” is no longer mentioned.
CoRP (3/06/2016)