Belgium: Ban on an information campaign on abortion alternatives

Publié le 31 Mar, 2016

In Belgium, an information campaign proposed by the Jongeren Info Life Association “has just been banned and withdrawn from the public domain” following “various challenges”. On the Antwerp trams, posters displayed “a young woman questioning her pregnancy and the address of the website”.


For several years, the Jongeren Info Life (JIL) Association has given presentations in schools “to make young people aware of all aspects relating to abortion”. The experience of JIL members (doctors, psychologists and nurses) “in providing support for distressed women has been established”. However, it “is time to black list JIL and its associates simply because JIL is misinforming the population by placing too much emphasis on the sequelae of abortion rather than supporting women after an abortion”.


The European Bioethics Institute wonders whether, nowadays, it is still permissible for an association that “respectfully encourages women to keep their children to make itself known in the public domain?”

Institut Européen de Bioéthique (29/03/2016)

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