Arizona: Abortion – a reversible choice?

Publié le 30 Mar, 2015

Yesterday, Doug Ducey, the Republican governor of Arizona, signed a bill obliging physicians to tell women wishing to undergo or about to undergone a medical abortion that the procedure could still be stopped by using strong doses of hormones. This bill also prohibits the reimbursement of the abortion by “Obamacare“.


The legislation covers exceptions in the case of rape, incest or when the mother’s life is directly at risk because of the pregnancy or childbirth.

Cathi Herrod, president of the Conservative Centre for Arizona Policies announced that “countless lives will be saved and women will be spared a life full of regret“.


Opponents to this law wish to point out that the process of cancelling an abortion by hormonal treatment has not yet been investigated in a specialist study and denounce “interference in women’s medical decisions“. Bryan Howard, president of the family planning lawyers of Arizona announced that “all available options” will be used to oppose the introduction of this law.



Phoenix (David Schwartz), 30/03/2015

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