Argentina: a magistrate suspends an abortion after a rape

Publié le 11 Oct, 2012

According to the Judicial Information Centre (JIC), “the abortion by a woman of 32 who had been raped was suspended at the last minute on Tuesday in a hospital on Buenos Aires” by the decision of a magistrate, Miriam Rustan de Estrada. According to the facts, this woman “had been raped and forced to prostitute herself.” Justifying her ruling, Miriam Rustan de Estrada pointed out: “it is not right to repair the wrong made to one victim by taking the life of the other,” adding that “it is not possible to repair a wrong by provoking another one that is more serious and irreversible.”  Following this decision, “the Deputy Mayor of the capital of Argentina, Maria Eugenia Vidal, announced during a press conference that the Municipality of Buenos Aires was going to appeal against this magistrate’s ruling in order to comply with a ruling of the Supreme Court of Argentina which authorised abortion in the case of rape in March.

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