Financing of the UN and its satellite organisations is guaranteed by voluntary contributions from Member States. This fund is monitored to ensure transparency and accountability. “Senior UN officials and others want the United Nations to have its own budget and own income such that the budget can no longer be controlled by democratic bodies justifying their own agendas”.
The TOBIN tax, payable on all international financial transactions and amounting to billions of dollars, tends to feed this autumn budget intended for humanitarian projects. Abortion is a humanitarian issue as far as UN officials are concerned (seeUN: The Secretary General adds abortion to humanitarian objectives). This draft tax bill figures on the agenda of the Humanitarian Summit which is scheduled to take place in Istanbul in May, and is also one “of the ‘indicators’ for setting sustainable development objectives, the most important development document in the history of the United Nations”.
This draft tax bill was introduced in 2011 and C-Fam, the first UN pro-life group, is launching an international petition with the aim to stop it, thereby involving itself “in UN negotiations from the outset rather than at the end when nothing can be done”.
This method has proved effective for numerous issues in the past.
C-Fam (Austin Ruse) 13/03/2016