A draft bill extending conscientious objection rights to all health professionals has been branded “pointless” by pro-abortion campaigners in Great Britain.
Advocates of the draft bill, supported by Northern Ireland MP, Nuala O’Loan, have stressed that their aim was not to restrict abortion but to maintain religious freedom in hospitals since the Supreme Court decision of 2014: “If you force people to do things they find morally unacceptable, their integrity as a health service professional would be severely compromised”.
This draft bill will be examined on Friday, 23 March. If adopted, it will allow doctors, nurses, midwives and even pharmacists to refuse not only to participate in abortions but also in any indirect preparatory work such as delegating colleagues or post-surgical management.
In addition to abortion, the draft bill could also enable health professionals to refuse to participate in euthanasia and embryo research.
The Guardian (21/3/2018)